Archive for the ‘SOA’ Category
The Reuse Marketplace
Marcia Kaufman, a partner with Hurwitz & Associates, posted an article on entitled “The Risks and Rewards of Reuse.” It’s a good article, and the three recommendations can really be summed up in one word: governance. While governance is certainly important, the article misses out on another important, perhaps more important, factor: marketing.
When discussing reuse, I always refer back to a presentation I heard at SD East way back in 1998. Unfortunately, I don’t recall the speaker, but he had established reuse programs at a variety of enterprises, some successful and some not successful. He indicated that the factor that influenced success the most was marketing. If the groups that had reusable components/services/whatever were able to do an effective job in marketing their goods and getting the word out, the reuse program as a whole would be more successful.
Focusing in on governance alone still means those service owners are sitting back and waiting for customers to show up. While the architectural governance committee will hopefully catch a good number of potential customers and send them in the direction of the service owner, that committee should be striving to reach “rubber stamp” status, meaning the project teams should have already sought out potential services for reuse. This means that the service owners need to be marketing their services effectively so that they get found in the first place. I imagine the potential customer using Google searches on the service catalog, but then within the service catalog, you’d have a very Amazon-like feel that may say things like “30% of other customers found this service interesting…” Service owners would be monitoring this data to understand why consumers are or are not using their services. They’d be able to see why particular searches matched, what information the customer looked at, and know whether the customer eventually decided to use the service/resource or not. Interestingly, this is exactly what companies like Flashline and ComponentSource were trying to do back in the 2000 timeframe, with Flashline having a product to establish your own internal “marketplace” while ComponentSource was much more of a hosted solution intended at a community broader than the enterprise. With the potential to utilize hosted services always on the rise, this makes it even more interesting, because you may want your service catalog to show you both internally created solutions, as well as potential hosted solutions. Think of it as on the inside + with amazon partner content integrated from the outside. I don’t know how easily one could go about doing this, however. While there are vendors looking at UDDI federation, what I’ve seen has been focused on internal federation within an enterprise. Have any of these vendors worked with say, StrikeIron, so that hosted services show up in their repository (if the customer has configured it to allow them)? Again, it would be very similar to When you search for something on Amazon, you get some items that come from amazon’s inventory. You also get links to Amazon partners that have the same products, or even products that are only available from partners.
This is a great conceptual model, however, I do need to be a realist regarding the potential of such a robust tool today. How many enterprises have a service library large enough to warrant establishing this rich of a marketplace-like infrastructure? Fortunately, I do think this can work. Reuse is about much more than services. If all of your reuse is targeted at services, you’re taking a big risk with your overall performance. A reuse program should address not only service reuse, but also reuse of component libraries, whether internal corporate libraries or third-party libraries, and even shared infrastructure. If your program addresses all IT resources that have the potential for reuse, now the inventory may be large enough to warrant an investment in such a marketplace. Just make sure that it’s more than just a big catalog. It should provide benefit not only for the consumer, but for the provider as well.
The management continuum
Mark Palmer of Apama continued his series of posts on myths around the EDA/CEP space, with number 3: BAM and BPM are Converging. Mark hit on a subject that I’ve spoken with clients about, however, I don’t believe that I’ve ever posted on it.
Mark’s premise is that it’s not BAM and BPM that are converging, it’s BAM and EDA. Converging probably isn’t the right word here, as it implies that the two will become one, which certainly isn’t the case. That wasn’t Mark’s point, either. His point was that BAM will leverage CEP and EDA. This, I completely agree with.
You can take a view on our solutions like the one below. At higher levels, the concepts we’re dealing with are more business-centric. At lower levels, the concepts are more technology-centric. Another way of looking at it is that at the higher levels, the products involved would be specific to the line of business/vertical we’re dealing with. At the lower levels, the products involved would be more generic, applicable to nearly any vertical. For example, an insurance provider may have things like quoting and underwriting at the top, but at the bottom, we’d have servers, switches, etc. Clearly, the use of servers are not specific to the insurance industry.
All of these platforms require some form of management and monitoring. At the lowest levels of the diagram, we’re interested in traditional Enterprise Systems Management (ESM). The systems would be getting data on CPU load, memory usage, etc. and technologies like SNMP would be involved. One could certainly argue that these ESM tools are very event-drvien. The collection of metrics and alerts is nearly always done asynchronously. If we move up the stack, we get to business activity monitoring. The interesting thing is that the fundamental architecture of what is needed does not change. Really, the only thing that changes is the semantics of the information that needs to get pushed out. Rather than pushing CPU load, I may be pushing out the number of auto insurance quotes requested and processed. This is where Mark is right on the button. If the underlying systems are pushing out events, whether at a technical level or at a business level, there’s no reason why CEP can’t be applied to that stream to deliver back valuable information to the enterprise, or even better, coming full circle and invoking some automated process to take action.
I think that the most important takeaway on this is that you have to be thinking from an architectural standpoint as you build these things out. This isn’t about running out and buying a BAM tool, a BPM tool, a CEP tool, or anything else. What metrics are important? How will the metrics be collected? How do you want to perform analytics (is static analysis against a centralized store enough, or do you need dynamic analysis in realtime driven by changing business rules)? What do you want to do with the results of that analysis? Establishing a management architecture will help you make the right decisions on what products you need to support it.
Master Metadata/Policy Management
Courtesy of Dana Gardner’s blog, I found out that IONA has announced a registry/repository product, Artix Registry/Repository.
I’m curious if this is indicative of a broader trend. First, you had acquisitions of the two most prominent players in the registry/repository space: Systinet by Mercury who was then acquired by HP, and Infravio by webMethods. For the record, Flashline was also acquired by BEA. You’ve had announcements of registry/repository solutions as part of a broader suite by IBM (WebSphere Registry/Repository), SOA Software (Registry), and now IONA. There’s also Fujitsu’s/Software AG CentraSite and LogicLibrary Logidex that are still primarily independent players. What I’m wondering is whether or not the registry/repository marketplace simply can’t make it as an independent purchase, but will always be a mandatory add-on to any SOA infrastructure stack.
All SOA infrastructure products have some form of internal repository. Whether we’re talking about a WSM system, an XML/Web Services gateway, or an ESB, they all maintain some internal configuration that governs what they do. You could even lump application servers and BPM engines into that mix if you so desire. Given the absence of domain specific policy languages for service metadata, this isn’t surprising. So, given that every piece of infrastructure has its own internal store, how do you pick one to be the “metadata master” of your policy information? Would someone buy a standalone product solely for that purpose? Or are they going to pick a product that works with the majority of their infrastructure, and then focus on integration with the rest. For the smaller vendors, it will mean that they have to add interoperability/federation capabilities with the platform players, because that’s what customers will demand. The risk for the consumer, however, is that this won’t happen. This means that the consumer will be the one to bear the brunt of the integration costs.
I worry that the SOA policy/metadata management space will become no better than the Identity Management space. How many vendor products still maintain proprietary identity stores rather than allowing identity to be managed externally through the use of ActiveDirectory/LDAP and some Identity Management and Provisioning solution? This results in expensive synchronization and replication problems that keep the IT staff from being focused on things that make a difference to the business. Federation and interoperability across these registry/repository platforms must be more than a checkbox on someone’s marketing sheet, it must be demonstrable, supported, and demanded by customers as part of their product selection process. The last thing we need is a scenario where Master Data Management technologies are required to manage the policies and metadata of services. Let’s get it right from the beginning.
SOA Politics
In the most recent Briefings Direct SOA Insights podcast (transcript here), the panel (Dana Gardner, Steve Garone, Joe McKendrick, Jim Kobielus, and special guest Miko Matsumura) discussed failures, governance, policies, and politics. There were a number of interesting tidbits in this discussion.
First, on the topic of failures, Miko Matsumura of webMethods called out that we may see some “catastrophic failures” in addition to some successes. Perhaps it’s because I don’t believe that there should be a distinct SOA project or program, but I don’t see this happening. I’m not suggesting that SOA efforts can’t failure, rather, if it fails, things will still be business as usual. If anything, that’s what the problem is. Unless you’ve already embraced SOA and don’t realize it, SOA adoption should be challenging the status quo. While I don’t have formal analysis to back it up, I believe that most IT organizations still primarily have application development efforts. This implies the creation of top-to-bottom vertical solutions whose primary concern is not playing well in the broader ecosystem, but rather, getting solutions to their stakeholders. That balance needs to shift to where the needs of the stakeholder of the application are equal to the needs of the enterprise. The pendulum needs to stay in the middle, balancing short term gains and long term benefits. Shifting completely to the long term view of services probably won’t be successful, either. I suppose that it is entirely possible that organizations may throw a lot of money at an SOA effort, treating it as a project, which is prone to spectacular failure. The problem began at the beginning however, when it was made a project to begin with. A project will not create the culture change needed throughout the organization. The effort must influence all projects to be successful in the long term. The biggest risk in this type of an approach, however, is that IT spends a whole bunch of money changing the way they work but they still wind up with the same systems they have today. They may not be seeing reuse of services or improved productivity. My suspicion is that the problem here lies with the IT-business relationship. IT can only go so far on its own. If the business is still defining projects based upon silo-based application thinking, you’re not going to leverage SOA to its fullest potential.
Steve Garone pointed out that two potential causes of these failures are “a difficulty in nailing down requirements for an application, the other is corporate backing for that particular effort going on.” When I apply this to SOA, it’s certainly true that corporate backing can be a problem, since that points the IT centric view I just mentioned. On the requirements side, this is equally important. The requirements are the business strategy. These are what will guide you to the important areas for service creation. If your company is growing through mergers and acquisitions, what services are critical to maximize the benefits associated with that activity? Clearly, the more quickly and cost effectively you can integrate the core business functionality of the two organizations, the more benefit you’ll get out of the effort. If your focus is on cost reduction, are their redundant systems that are adding unnecessary costs to the bottom line? Put services in place to allow the
migration to a single source for that functionality.
The later half of the podcast talked about politics and governments, using world governments as a metaphor for the governance mechanisms that go on within an enterprise. This is not a new discussion for me, as this was one of my early blog entries that was reasonably popular. It is important to make your SOA governance processes fit in within your corporate culture and governance processes, provided that the current governance process is effective. If the current processes are ineffective, then clearly a change is in order. If the culture is used to a more decentralized approach to governance and has been successful in meeting the company’s goals based upon that approach, then a decentralized approach may work just fine. Keep in mind, however, that the corporate governance processes may not ripple down to IT. It’s certainly possible to have decentralized corporate governance, but centralized IT governance. The key question to ask is whether the current processes are working or not. If they are, it’s simply a matter of adding the necessary policies for SOA governance into the existing approach. If the current processes are not working, it’s unlikely that adding SOA policies to the mix is going to fix anything. Only a change to the processes will fix it. Largely, this comes down to architectural governance. If you don’t have anyone with the responsibility for this, you may need to augment your governance groups to include architectural representation.
SOA Consortium
The SOA Consortium recently gave a webinar that presented their Top 5 Insights based upon a series of executive summaries they conducted. Richard Mark Soley, Executive Director of the SOA Consortium, and Brenda Michelson of Elemental Links were the presenters.
A little background. The SOA Consortium is a new SOA advocacy group. As Richard Soley put it during the webinar, they are not a standards body, however, they could be considered a source of requirements for the standards organizations. I’m certainly a big fan of SOA advocacy and sharing information, if that wasn’t already apparent. Interestingly, they are a time-boxed organization, and have set an end date of 2010. That’s a very interesting approach, especially for a group focused on advocacy. It makes sense, however, as the time box represents a commitment. 12 practitioners have publicly stated their membership, along with the four founding sponsors, and two analyst firms.
What makes this group interesting is that they are interested in promoting business-driven SOA, and dispelling the notion that SOA is just another IT thing. Richard had a great anecdote of one CIO that had just finished telling the CEO not to worry about SOA, that it was an IT thing and he would handle it, only to attend one of their executive summits and change course.
The Top 5 insights were:
- No artificial separation of SOA and BPM. The quote shown in the slides was, “SOA, BPM, Lean, Six Sigma are all basically on thing (business strategy & structure) that must work side by side.” They are right on the button on this one. The disconnect between BPM efforts and SOA efforts within organizations has always mystified me. I’ve always felt that the two go hand in hand. It makes no sense to separate them.
- Success requires business and IT collaboration. The slide deck presented a before and after view, with the after view showing a four-way, bi-directional relationship between business strategy, IT strategy, Enterprise Architecture, and Business Architecture. Two for two. Admittedly, as a big SOA (especially business-driven SOA) advocate, this is a bit of preaching to the choir, but it’s great to see a bunch of CIOs and CTOs getting together and publicly stating this for others to share.
- On the IT side, SOA must permeate the organization. They recommend the use of a Center of Excellence at startup, which over times shifts from a “doing” responsibility to a “mentoring” responsibility, eventually dissolving. Interestingly, that’s exactly what the consortium is trying to do. They’re starting out with a bunch of people who have had significant success with SOA, who are now trying to share their lessons learned and mentor others, knowing that they’ll disband in 2010. I think Centers of Excellence can be very powerful, especially in something that requires the kind of cultural change that SOA will. Which leads to the next point.
- There are substantial operational impacts, but little industry emphasis. As we’ve heard time and time again, SOA is something you do, not something you buy. There are some great quotes in the deck. I especially liked the one that discussed the horizontal nature of SOA operations, in contrast to the vertical nature (think monolithic application) of IT operations today. The things concerning these executives are not building services, but versioning, testing, change management, etc. I’ve blogged a number of times on the importance of these factors in SOA, and it was great to hear others say the same thing.
- SOA is game changing for application providers. We’ve certainly already seen this in action with activities by SAP, Oracle, and others. What was particularly interesting in the webinar was that while everyone had their own opinion on how the game will change, all agreed that it will change. Personally, I thought these comments were very consistent with a post I made regarding outsourcing a while back. My main point was that SOA, on its own, may not increase or decrease outsourcing, but it should allow more appropriate decisions and hopefully, a higher rate of success. I think this applies to both outsourcing, as well as to the use of packaged solutions installed within the firewall.
Overall, this was a very interesting and insightful webinar. You can register and listen to a replay of it here. I look forward to more things to come from this group.
SOA and Enterprise Security
James McGovern asked a number of us in the blogosphere if we’d be willing to share some thoughts on security and SOA. First, I recommend you go and read James’ post. He makes the claim that if you’ve adopted SOA successfully, it should make security, such as user-centric identity, single signon, on and off boarding employees, asset management, etc. easier. I completely agree. I’ve yet to encounter an organization that’s reached that point with SOA, but if they did, I think James’ claims should hold true. Now on to the subject at hand, however.
I’ve shared some thoughts on security in the past, particularly in my post “The Importance of Identity.” Admittedly, however, it probably falls into the high level category. I actually look to James’ posts on security, XACML, etc. to fill in gaps in my own knowledge, as it’s not an area where I have a lot of depth. I’m always up for a challenge, however, and this space clearly is a challenge.
Frankly, I think security falls only slightly ahead of management when it comes to things that haven’t received proper attention. We can thank the Internet and some high profile security problems for elevating it’s importance in the enterprise. Unfortunately, security suffers from the same baggage as the rest of IT. Interestingly, though, security technology probably took a step backward when we moved off of mainframes and into the world of client-server. Because there was often a physical wire connecting that dumb terminal to the big iron, you had identity. Then along came client-server and N-tier systems with application servers, proxy servers, etc. and all of a sudden, we’ve completely lost the ability to trace requests through the system. Not only did applications have no concept of identity, the underlying programming languages didn’t have any concept of identity, either. The underlying operating system did, but what good is it to know something is running as www?
James often laments the fact that so many systems (he likes to pick on ECM) still lack the ability to leverage an external identity management system, and instead have their own proprietary identity stores and management. He’s absolutely on the mark with this. Identity management is the cornerstone of security, in my opinion. I spent a lot of time working with an enterprise security architect discussing the use of SSL versus WS-Security, the different WS-Security profiles, etc. In the end, all of that was moot until we figured out how to get identity into the processing threads to begin with! Yes, .NET and Java both have the concept of a Principal. How about your nice graphical orchestration engine? Is identity part of the default schema that is the context for the process execution? I’m guessing that it isn’t, which means more work for your developers.
So, unfortunately, all I can do is point out some potential pitfalls at this point. I haven’t had the opportunity to go deep in this space, yet, but hopefully this is enough information to get you thinking about the problems that lie ahead.
Good product design
Here’s a post from Innovations that nails it. It’s a discussion on Las Vegas, but the closing comments say it all, whether you’re designing a casino, a user interface, or services:
But our opinion doesn’t matter. What matters is the opinion of the customer, and it’s easy to marginalize or ignore that perspective in favor of seeing what we want to see. This is particularly true in technology product development, I believe, where the skill levels of the developers are leagues ahead of those of their ultimate customers. That’s one reason why software designers continue to add features to products when customers don’t use 80% of the features they already have. … Good product design means setting aside your biases and thinking like the customer, whether or not the customer is like you.
Well said.
Reference Architectures and Governance
In the March 5th issue of InfoWorld, I was quoted in Phil Windley’s article, “Teaming Up For SOA.” One of the quotes he used was the following:
Biske also makes a strong argument for reference architectures as part of the review process. “Architectural reviews tie the project back to the reference architecture, but if there’s no documentation that project can be judged against, the architectural review won’t have much impact.”
My thinking on this actually came from a past colleague. We were discussing governance, and he correctly pointed out that it is unrealistic to expect benefits from a review process when the groups presented have no idea what they are being reviewed against. The policies need to be stated in advance. Imagine if your town had no speed limit signs, yet the police enforced a speed limit. What would be your chances of getting a ticket? What if your town had a building code, but the only place it existed was in the building inspector’s head. Would you expect your building to pass inspections? What would be your feelings toward the police or the inspector after you received a ticket or were told to make significant structural changes?
If you’re going to have reviews that actually represent an approval to go forward, you need to have documented policies. At the architectural level, this is typically done through the use of reference architectures. The challenge is that there is no accepted norm for what a reference architecture should contain. Rather than get into a semantic debate over the differences between a reference architecture, a reference model, a conceptual architecture, and any number of other terms that are used, I prefer to focus on what is important- giving guidance to the people that need it.
I use the term solution architect to refer to the person on a project that is responsible for the architecture of the solution. This is the primary audience for your reference material. There are two primary things to consider with this audience:
- What policies need to be enforced?
- What deliverable(s) does the solution architect need to produce?
Governance does begin with policies, and I put that one first for a reason. I worked with an organization that was using the 4+1 view model from Philippe Kruchten for modeling architecture. The problem I had was that the projects using this model were not adequately able to convey the services that would be exposed/utilized by their solution. The policy that I wanted enforced at the architecture review was that candidate services had been clearly identified, and potential owners of those services had been assigned. If the solution architecture can’t convey this, it’s a problem with the solution architecture format, not the policy. If you know your policies, you should then create your sample artifacts to ensure that those policies can be easily enforced through a review of the deliverable(s). This is where the reference material comes into play, as well. In this scenario, the purpose of the reference material is to assist the solution architect in building the required deliverable(s). Many architects may create future state diagrams that may be accurate representations, but wind up being very difficult to use in a solution architecture context. The projects are the efforts that will get you to that future state, so if the reference material doesn’t make sense to them, it’s just going to get tossed aside. This doesn’t bode well for the EA group, as it will increase the likelihood that they are seen as an ivory tower.
When creating this material, keep in mind that there are multiple views of a system, and a solution architect is concerned with all of them. I mentioned the 4+1 view model. There’s 5 views right there, and one view it doesn’t include is a management view (operational management of the solution). That’s at least 6 distinct views. If your reference material consists of one master Visio diagram, you’re probably trying to convey too much with it, and as a result, you’re not conveying anything other than complexity to the people that need it. Create as many diagrams and views as necessary to ensure compliance. Governance is not about minimizing the number of artifacts involved, it’s about achieving the desired behavior. If achieving desired behavior requires a number of diagrams and models, so be it.
Finally, architectural governance is not just about enforcing policies on projects. In Phil’s articles some of my quotes also alluded to the project initiation process. EA teams have the challenge of trying to get the architectural goals achieved, but often times without the ability to directly create and fund projects themselves. In order to achieve their goals, the current state and future state architectures must also be conveyed to the people responsible for IT Governance. This is an entirely different audience, one whom the reference architectures created for the solution architects may be far too technical in nature. While it would minimize the work of the architecture team to have one set of reference material that would work for everyone, that simply won’t be the case. Again, the reference material needs to fit the audience. Just as a good service should fit the needs of its consumers, the reference material produced by EA must do the same.
Two ZDNet analysts, Dana Gardner and Joe McKendrick, have had recent posts (I’ve linked their names to the specific posts) regarding ROI and SOA. This isn’t something I’ve blogged on in the past, so I thought I’d offer a few thoughts.
First, let’s look at the whole reason for ROI in the first place. Simply put, it’s a measurement to justify investment. Investment is typically quanitified in dollars. That’s great, now we need to associate dollars with activities. Your staff has salaries or bill rates, so this shouldn’t be difficult, either. Now is where things get complicated, however. Activities are associated with projects. SOA is not a project. An architecture is a set of constraints and principles that guide an approach to a particular problem, but it’s not the solution itself. Asking for ROI on SOA is similar to asking for ROI on Enterprise Architecture, and I haven’t seen much debate on that. That being said, many organizations still don’t have EA groups, so there are plenty of CIOs that may still question the need for it as a formal job classification. Getting back to the topic, we can and do estimate costs associated with a project. What is difficult, however, is determining the cost at a fine-grained level. Can you determine the cost of developing services in support of that project accurately? In my past experience, trying to use a single set of fine-grained activities for both project management and time accounting was very difficult. Invariably, the project staff spent time that was focused on interactions that were needed to determine what the next step was. These actions never map easily into a standard task-based project plan, and as a result, caused problems when trying to charge time. (Aside: For an understanding on this, read Keith Harrison-Broninski’s book Human Interactions or check out his eBizQ blog.) Therefore, it’s going to be very difficult to put a cost on just the services component of a project, unless it’s entire scope of the project, which typically isn’t the case.
Looking at the benefits side of the equation, it is certainly possible to quantify some expected benefits of the project, but again, only a certain level. If you’re strictly looking at IT, your only hope of coming up with ROI is to focus on cost reduction. IT is typically a cost center, with at best, an indirect impact on revenue generation. How are costs reduced? This is primarily done by reducing maintenance costs. The most common approach is through a reduction in the number of vendor products involved and/or a reduction in the number of vendors involved. More stuff from fewer vendors typically means more bundling and greater discounts. There are other options, such as using open source products with no licensing fees, or at least discounted fees. You may be asking, “What about improved productivity?” This is an indirect benefit, at best. Why? Unless there is a reduction in headcount, the cost to the organization is fixed. If a company is paying a developer $75,000 / year, that developer gets that money regardless of how many projects get done and what technologies are used. Theoretically, however, if more projects are completed within a given time, you’d expect that there is a greater potential for revenue. That revenue is not based upon whether SOA was used or not, it’s based upon the relevance of that project to business efforts.
So now we’re back to the promise of IT – Business agility. For a given project, ROI should be about measuring the overall project cost (not specific actions within it) plus any ongoing costs (maintenance) against business benefits (revenue gain) and ongoing cost reduction. So where will we get the best ROI? We’ll get the best ROI by picking projects with the best business ROI. If you choose a project that simply rebuilds an existing system using service technologies, all you’ve done is incurred cost unless those services now create the potential for new revenue sources (a business problem, not a technology problem), or cost consolidation. Cost consolidation can come from IT on its own through reduction in maintenance costs, although if you’re replacing one homegrown system with another, you only reduce costs if you reduce staff. If you get rid of redundant vendor systems, clearly there should be a reduction in maintenance fees. If you’re shooting for revenue gain, however, the burden falls not to IT, but to the business. IT can only control the IT component of the project cost and we should always be striving to reduce that through reuse and improved tooling. Ultimately, however, the return is the responsibility of the business. If the effort doesn’t produce the revenue gain due to inaccurate market analysis, poor timing, or anything else, that’s not the fault of SOA.
There are two last points I want to make, even though this entry has gone longer than I expected. First, Dana made the following statement in his post:
So in a pilot project, or for projects driven at the departmental level, SOA can and should show financial hard and soft benefits over traditional brittle approaches for applications that need integration and easy extensibility (and which don’t these days?).
I would never expect a positive ROI on a pilot project. Pilots should be run with the expectation that there are still unknowns that will cause hiccups in the project, causing it to run at a higher cost that a normal project. A pilot will then result in a more standardized approach for subsequent projects (the extend phase in my maturity model discussions) where the potential can be realized. Pilots should be a showcase for the potential, but they may not be the project that realizes it, so be careful in what you promise.
Dana goes on to discuss the importance of incremental gains from every project, and this I agree with. As he states, it shouldn’t be an “if we build it, they will come” bet. The services you choose to build in initial projects should be ones that you have a high degree of confidence that they will either be reused, or, that they will be modified in the future but where the more fine-grained boundaries allow those modifications to be performed at a lower cost than previously the case.
Second, SOA is an exercise in strategic planning. Every organization has staff that isn’t doing project work, and some subset of that staff is doing strategic planning, whether formally or informally. Without the strategic plan, you’ll be hard pressed to have accurate predictions on future gains, thus making all of your ROI work pure speculation, at best. There’s always an element of speculation in any estimate, but it shouldn’t be complete speculation. So, the question then is not about separate funding for SOA. It’s about looking at what your strategic planners are actually doing. Within IT, this should fall to Enterprise Architecture. If they’re not planning around SOA, then what are they planning? If there are higher priority strategic activities that they are focused on, fine. SOA will come later. If not, then get to work. If you don’t have enterprise architecture, then who in IT is responsible for strategic planning? Put the burden on them to establish the SOA direction, at no increase in cost (presuming you feel it is higher priority than their other activities). If no one is responsible, then your problem is not just SOA, it’s going to be anything of a strategic nature.
Is the word “Application” still relevant?
Gary So of webMethods asked this question in a recent blog entry. He states:
With SOA, the concept of what constitutes an application will have to be rethought. You might have dozens of different services – potentially originating from different vendors, with some on-premise and some served up on demand – that, individually, don’t fulfill a complete business requirement but are collectively arranged to address a business need. Some of these services could also be used in addressing other, unrelated, business requirements. Traditional application logic – logic that would normally reside in the middle tier of a three-tier application architecture — is no longer monolithically implemented in an application server, but distributed among the services themselves and, potentially, process engines that manage the orchestration of these services, governance engines that apply policies related to the use of and interaction between services, and rules engines that externalize logic from everything else. Where in this scenario does one application begin and another end? Is the word “application” even relevant anymore?
I’ve actually thought about this a lot, and agree with Gary. The term application implies boundaries and silo-based thinking. Typical IT projects were categorized as one of two things: application development or Application Integration. In the case of application development, the view is of end-to-end ownership of the entire codebase. In the case of application integration, it was about finding a bunch of glue to stick between two or more rigid processing points that could not be modified. Neither of these models are where we want to be with SOA. Some have to tried to differentiate the future by referring to systems of the past as monolithic applications. Personally, I don’t like that either. Why? Simple. For me, the term application has always implied some form of end-to-end system, most typically with a user interface, with the exception of the batch application. If this is the case, what are we building when a project only produces services? It’s not really an application, because it will just sit there until a consumer comes along. I also don’t think that we should wait to build key services until consumers are ready, however. It’s true that many services will be built this way, but there is no reason that some analysis can’t occur to identify key or “master” services that will be of value to the enterprise.
The terminology I’ve begun using is solution development. An IT project produces a solution, it’s as simple as that. That solution may involve the creation of a user interface, executable business processes, new tasks within a workflow system, services, databases, etc. or any subset of them. It may also make use of existing (whether previously built, purchased and installed, or hosted externally) user interface components, business processes, workflow activities, services, and databases. While vendors may still bundle all of these together and sell them as an “application,” a key evaluation point will be whether those “applications” are build on a solid, composable architecture that allows pieces to be interchanged as needed.
I think that this topic is a good example of the cultural change that is associated with becoming a service-oriented enterprise. If all of your projects can still be defined as application development, you’re not there. In fact, you’re at risk of just creating a bunch of services, as those application boundaries are not conducive to the type of thinking required for success with SOA. If you’re running into projects where the term “application development” just doesn’t seem to make sense, then you’re starting to experience the culture change that comes with the territory. Have fun building your solutions that leverage your SOA!
Is the SOA Suite good or bad?
I haven’t listed to the podcast yet, but Joe McKendrick posted a summary of the discussion in a recent Briefings Direct SOA Insights conversation organized by Dana Gardner. In his entry, Joe asks whether vendors are promoting an oxymoron in offering SOA suites. He states:
“Jumbo shrimp” and “government organization” are classic examples of oxymorons, but is the idea of an “SOA suite” also just as much a contradiction of terms? After all, SOA is not supposed to be about suites, bundles, integration packages, or anything else that smacks of vendor lock-in.
“The big guys — SAP, Oracle, Microsoft, webMethods, lots of software vendors — are saying, ‘Hey, we provide a bigger, badder SOA suite than the next guy,'” Jim Kobelius pointed out. “That raises an alarm bell in my mind, or it’s an anomaly or oxymoron, because when you think of SOA, you think of loose coupling and virtualization of application functionality across a heterogeneous environment. Isn’t this notion of a SOA suite from a single vendor getting us back into the monolithic days of yore?”
Personally, I have no issue with SOA suites. The big vendors are always going to go down this route, and if anything, it simply demonstrates just how far we have to go on the open integration front. If you follow this blog, you know that I’ve discussed SOA for IT. SOA for IT, in my mind, is all about integration across the technology infrastructure at a horizontal level, not a vertical level. SOA for business is concerned about the vertical level semantics of the business, and allowing things to integrate at a business sense. SOA for IT is about integration at the technical level. Can my Service Management infrastructure talk to my Service Execution infrastructure? Can my Service Execution infrastructure talk to my Service Mediation infrastructure? Can my Service Mediation infrastructure talk to my Service Management infrastrucutre? The list goes on. Why is their still a need for these SOA suites? Simply put, we still lack standards for communication between these platforms. It’s one thing to say all of the infrastructure knows how to speak with a UDDI v3 registry. It’s another thing to have the infrastructure agree on the semantics of the metadata placed in a registry/repository (note, there’s no standard repository API), and leverage that information successfully across a heterogeneous set of environments. The smaller vendors try to form coalitions to make this a reality, as was the case with Systinet’s Governance Interoperability Framework, but as they get swallowed up by the big fish, what happens? IBM came out with WebSphere Registry/Repository and it introduced new, proprietary APIs. Competitive advantage for an all IBM environment? Absolutely. If I don’t have an all IBM environment, am I that much worse off however? If I have AmberPoint or Actional for SOA management, I’m still dealing with their proprietary interfaces and policy definitions, so vendor lock-in still exists. I’m just locked in to multiple vendors, rather than one.
The only way this gets fixed is if customers start demanding open standards for technology integration as part of their evaluation criteria. While the semantics of the information exchange may not exist yet, you can at least ask whether or not the vendor exposes management interfaces as services. Put another way, the internal architecture of the product needs to be consistent with the internal architecture of your IT systems. If you desire to have separation of management from enforcement, then your vendor products must expose management services. If the only way to configure their product is through a web-based user interface or by attempting to directly manipulate configuration files, this is going to be very costly for you if you’re trying to reduce the number of independent management console that operations needs to deal with. Even if it’s all IBM, Oracle, Microsoft, or whoever, the internal architecture of that suite needs to be consistent with your vendor-independent target architecture. If you haven’t taken the time to develop one, then you’re allowing the vendors to push their will on you.
Let’s use the city planning analogy. A suite vendor is akin to the major developer. Do the city planners simply say, “Here’s your 80,000 acres, have fun?” That probably wouldn’t result in a good deal for the city. Taking the opposite extreme, the city doesn’t want individual property owners to do whatever they want, either. Last year, there was article about a nearby town that had somehow managed to allow an adult store to set up shop next door to a daycare center in a strip mall. Not good. The right approach, whether you want to have a diverse set of technologies, or a very homogenous set is to keep the power in the hands of the planners, and that is done through architecture. If you can remain true to your architecture with a single vendor? Great. If you prefer to do it with multiple vendors, that’s great at well. Just make sure that you’re setting the rules, not them.
Models of EA
One thing that I’ve noticed recently is that there is no standard approach to Enterprise Architecture. Some organizations may have Enterprise Architecture on the organizational chart, other organizations may merely have an architectural committee. One architecture team may be all about strategic planning, while another is all about project architecture. Some EA teams may strictly be an approval body. I think the lack of a consistent approach is an indicator of the relative immaturity of the discipline. While groups like Shared Insights have been putting on Enterprise Architecture conferences for 10 years now, there are still many enterprises that don’t even have an EA team.
So what is the right approach to Enterprise Architecture? As always, there is no one model. The formation of an EA team is often associated with some pain point in the enterprise. In some organizations, there may be a skills gap necessitating the formation of an architecture group that can fan out across multiple projects, providing project guidance. A very common pain point is “technology spaghetti.â€? That is, over time the organization has acquired or developed so many technology solutions that the organization may have significant redundancy and complexity. This pain point can typically result in one of two approaches. The first is an architecture review board. The purpose of the board is to ensure that new solutions don’t make the situation any worse, and if possible, they make it better. The second approach is the formation of an Enterprise Architecture group. The former doesn’t appear on the organization chart. The latter does, meaning it needs day to day responsibilities, rather than just meeting when an approval decision is needed. Those day to day activities can be the formation of reference architectures and guiding principles, or they could be project architecture activities like the first scenario discussed. Even in these scenarios, however, Enterprise Architecture still doesn’t have the teeth it needs. Reference architectures and/or guiding principles may have been created, but these end state views will only be reached if a path is created to get there. This is where strategic planning comes into play. If the EA team isn’t involved in the strategic planning process, then they are at the mercy of the project portfolio in achieving the architectural goals. It’s like being the coach or manager of a professional sports team but having no say whatsoever in the player personnel decisions. The coach will do the best they can, but if they were handed players who are incompatible in the clubhouse or missing key skills necessary to reach the playoffs, they won’t get there.
You may be thinking, “Why would anyone ever want an EA committee over a team?â€? Obviously, organizational size can play a factor. If you’re going to form a team, there needs to enough work to sustain that team. If there isn’t, then EA becomes a responsibility of key individuals that they perform along with their other activities. Another scenario where a committee may make sense is where the enterprise technology is largely based on one vendor, such as SAP. In this case, the reference architecture is likely to be rooted in the vendor’s reference architecture. This results in a reduction of work for Enterprise Architecture, which again, has the potential to point to a responsibility model rather than a job classification.
All in all, regardless of what model you choose for your organization, I think an important thing to keep in mind is balance. An EA organization that is completely focused on reference architecture and strategic planning runs the risk of becoming an ivory tower. They will become disconnected from the projects that actually make the architecture a reality. The organization runs a risk that a rift will form between the “practitionersâ€? and the “strategists.â€? Even if the strategists have a big hammer for enforcing policy, that still doesn’t fix the cultural problems which can lead to job dissatisfaction and staff turnover. On the flip slide, if the EA organization is completely tactical in nature, the communication that must occur between the architects to ensure consistency will be at risk. Furthermore, there will still be no strategic plan for the architecture, so decisions will likely be made according to short term needs dominated by individual projects. The right approach, in my opinion, is to maintain a balance of strategic thinking and tactical execution within your approach to architecture. If the “officialâ€? EA organization is focused on strategic planning and reference architecture, they must come up with an engagement model that allows bi-directional communication with the tactical solution architects to occur often. If the EA team is primarily tasked with tactical solution architecture, then they must establish an engagement model with the IT governance managers to ensure that they have a presence at the strategic planning table.
How many versions?
While heading back to the airport from a recent engagement, Alex Rosen and I had a brief discussion on service versioning. He said, “you should blog on that.” So, thanks for idea Alex.
Sooner or later, as you build up your service library, you’re going to have to make a change to the service. Agility is one of the frequently touted benefits of SOA, and one way of looking at it is the ability to respond to change. When this situation arises, you will need to deal with versioning. In order to remain agile, you should prepare for this situation in advance.
There are two extreme viewpoints on versioning, and not surprisingly, they match up with the two endpoints associated with a service interchange- the service consumer and the service provider. From the consumers point of view, the extreme stance would be that the number of versions of a service remain uncapped. In this way, systems that are working fine today don’t need to be touched if a change is made that they don’t care about. This is great for the consumer, but it can become a nightmare for the provider. The number of independent implementations of the service that must be managed by the provider is continually growing, increasing the management costs thereby reducing the potential gains that SOA was intended to achieve. In a worst-case scenario, each consumer would have their own version of the service, resulting in the same monolithic architectures we have today, except with some XML thrown in.
From the providers point of view, the extreme stance would be that only one service implementation ever exists in production. While this minimizes the management cost, it also requires that all consumers move in lock step with the service, which is very unlikely to happen when there are more than one consumer involved.
In both of these extreme examples, I’m deliberately not getting into the discussion of what the change is. While backwards compatibility can have influence on this, regardless of whether the service provider claims 100% backwards compatibility or not, my experiences have shown that both the consumer and the provider should be executing regression tests. My father was an electrician, and I worked with him for a summer after my freshman year in college. He showed me how to use a “wiggy” (a portable voltage tester) for checking whether power was running to an outlet, and told me “If you’re going to work an outlet, always check if it’s hot. Even if one of the other electricians or even me tells you the power is off, you still check if it’s hot.” Simply put, you don’t want to get burned. Therefore, there will always be a burden on the service consumers when the service changes. The provider should provide as much information as possible so that the effort of the consumer is minimized, but the consumer should never implicitly trust that what the provider says is accurate without testing.
Back to the discussion- if we have these two extremes, the right answer is somewhere in the middle. Choosing an arbitrary number isn’t necessarily a good approach. For example, suppose the service provider states that no more than 3 versions of a service will be maintained in a production. Based upon high demand, if that service changes every 3 months, that means that the version released in January will be decommissioned in September. If the consumer of that first version is only touched every 12 months, you’ve got a problem. You’re now burdening that consumer team with additional work that did not fit into their normal release cycle.
In order to come up with a number that works, you need to look at both the release cycle of the consuming systems as well as the release cycle of the providers and find a number that allows consumers to migrate to new versions as part of their normal development efforts. If you read that carefully, however, you’ll see the assumption. This approach assumes that a “normal release cycle” actually exists. Many enterprises I’ve seen don’t have this. Systems may be released and not touched for years. Unfortunately, there’s no good answer for this one. This may be a symptom of an organization that is still maturing in their development processes, continually putting out fires and addressing pain points, rather than reaching a point of continuous improvement. This is representative of probably the most difficult part of SOA- the culture change. My advice for organizations in this situation is to begin to migrate to a culture of change. Rather than putting an arbitrary cap on the number of service versions, you should put a cap on how long a system can go without having a release. Even if it’s just a collection of minor enhancements and bug fixes, you should ensure that all systems get touched on a regular basis. When the culture knows that regular refreshes are part of the standard way of doing business, funding can be allocated off the top, rather than having to be continually justified against major initiatives that will always win out. It’s like our health- are you better off having regular preventative visits to your doctor in addition to the visits when something is clearly wrong? Clearly. Treat your IT systems the same way.
The value of events
Joe McKendrick quoted a previous blog entry of mine, but he prefaced my quotes with the statement that I was “questioning the value of EDA to many businesses.” One of things that any speaker/author has to always deal with is the chance that the message we hope comes out doesn’t, and I think this is one of those cases. That being said, if you feel like you are misrepresented, it probably means you didn’t explain it well in first place! So, in the event that others are feeling that I’m questioning the value of EDA, I thought I’d clarify my stance. I am a huge fan of events and EDA. Events can be very powerful, but just as there has been lots of discussions around the difference between SOA and ABOS- a bunch of services, the same holds true for EDA.
The problem does not lie with EDA. EDA, as a concept, has the potential to create value. EDA will fail to produce value, just as SOA will, if it is incorrectly leveraged. Everyone says SOA should begin with the business. Guess what, EDA should as well. While the previous entries I’ve posted and the great comments from the staff at Apama and their postings have called out some verticals where EDA is already being applied successfully, I’m still of the opinion that many businesses would be at significant risk of creating ABOE- a bunch of events. This isn’t a knock on the potential value of events, it’s a knock on the readiness of the business to realize that potential. If the business isn’t thinking of themselves in a service-oriented context, they are unlikely to reach the full potential of SOA. If the business isn’t thinking of themselves in an event-driven context, they are unlikely to reach the full potential of EDA.
Teaming Up for SOA
I recently “teamed up” with Phil Windley. He interviewed me for his latest InfoWorld article on SOA Governance which is now available online, and is in the March 5th print issue. Give it a read and let me know what you think. I think Phil did a great job in articulating a lot of the governance challenges that organizations run into. Of the areas where I was quoted, the one that I think is a significant culture change is the funding challenge. It’s not just about getting funding for shared services which is a challenge on its own. It’s also a challenge of changing the way that organizations make decisions to include architectural elements in the decision. Many organizations that I have dealt with all tend to be schedule driven. That is, the least flexible element of the project is schedule. Conversely, the thing that always gives is scope. Unfortunately, it’s not usually visible scope, it’s usually the difference in taking the quickest path (tactical) versus the best path (strategic). If you’re one of many organizations trying to do grass roots SOA, this type of IT governance makes life very difficult as the culture rewards schedule success, not architectural success. It’s a big culture shift. Does your Chief Architect have a seat at the IT Governance table?
Anyway, I hope you enjoy the article. Feel free to post your questions here, and I’d be happy to followup.